Hey there! So, I said last year I was going to start blogging about my sessions and then never got around to it. Well I am doing it this year! Not sure if I'll be able to show you all of them from last year but I'm going to try because I had some really great sessions/clients. Here we go...
Skylar's winter session was my first one of 2019. She is one of my seniors that took advantage of my multi-session packages to get all four seasons! I absolutely LOVE when my seniors do this! Not only do you get a variety of looks to capture your entire senior year, but this also allows you to get more creative.
Winter can be a hard one since we're going more off of mother natures schedule. Of course with winter most want to see some snow. One thing I've learned is there is such a thing as too much snow! Skylar and I had to improvise and ended up splitting her session into 2 days. We had our original plan and location, showed up at said location, and one entrance was closed and while the other was open, the trail to the area we wanted to be was covered by a high wall of snow from where they plowed the parking lot!. But I was determined not to miss out on the day because it was beautiful out! Temps weren't too bad and the sun was so gorgeous. So we just did a few in the parking lot and down the road, and then set up another day a week later to do the rest. Here are a few photos from our quick first day!

Totally worth getting a few shots that day! So now we go to the next week. Not much snow was left, but there was just enough to bring that winter feel. Skylar was always so much fun to photograph. She was up for any idea I had. So we added some bubble gum (she may have had some issues being able to blow a bubble that day lol. We'll just blame the gum), and a little music and dancing. Enjoy the beauty from day two!